旅游是一种放松身心的方式,而跟团游更是给旅行增加了额外的乐趣。 首先,跟团游可以节省大量的时间和金钱。因为团队通常会提前预定好酒店和交通工具,这样就可以大大降低旅游的成本。 其次,跟团游还可以提供非常丰富的旅游服务内容。比如,团队通常会在到达目的地之后,安排有专门的导游进行讲解。
The popularity of "following the tour group" is increasing. First, following a tour group provides convenience. Without having to worry about transportation or accommodation, tourists can focus on enjoying their trip. Secondly, following a tour group allows for cultural exchange and immersion. When tourists join a tour group, they are able to learn more about the local culture and customs. In conclusion, following a tour group provides convenience and cultural exchange. Therefore, I believe that "following the tour group" is an excellent choice for tourists who want to have a convenient and enjoyable trip.